Infosys Founder Narayana Murthy Praises Modi Govt’s National Education Policy

Infosys co-founder NR Narayana Murthy has praised the Modi government for its National Education Policy (NEP), calling it an “excellent idea” and a “step in the right direction.”

Murthy made his remarks at an event in New Delhi on Wednesday, where he said that the NEP was a “bold and progressive” policy that would help to transform India’s education system.

“I congratulate the Modi government for thinking of this National Education Policy,” Murthy said. “It’s an excellent idea, in the right step.”

Murthy also said that the NEP would help to create a more innovative and entrepreneurial workforce in India.

“The NEP will encourage young individuals to generate innovative ideas,” Murthy said. “This will result in job creation which in turn will propel India toward reducing unemployment.”

The NEP was launched by the Modi government in 2020. The policy aims to overhaul India’s education system, making it more flexible, holistic, and inclusive.

Murthy’s praise for the NEP is a significant endorsement of the policy. Murthy is a highly respected figure in the Indian IT industry, and his comments are likely to carry weight with other IT leaders.

The NEP has been welcomed by many educators and experts, who believe that it is a much-needed reform of India’s education system. However, some critics have raised concerns about the policy’s implementation, particularly in terms of funding and resource allocation.

The Modi government has defended the NEP, saying that it is committed to its implementation and that it will address any challenges that arise. The government has also said that it is working with state governments to ensure that the policy is implemented effectively across the country.

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