Ex-JNU Student Shehla Rashid Praises PM Modi, Draws Parallels with Israel-Gaza Conflict

In a surprising turn of events, former JNU student Shehla Rashid has come out in praise of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, drawing parallels between India’s handling of the Kashmir issue and Israel’s actions in Gaza.

Rashid, who has been a vocal critic of the Modi government in the past, made her remarks during a recent interview. She stated that Modi’s approach to Kashmir was “no different from Israel’s treatment of the Palestinians.”

“Kashmir is not Gaza,” Rashid said. “The people of Kashmir are not terrorists. They are fighting for their right to self-determination.”

Rashid’s comments have sparked a debate on social media, with some applauding her courage to speak out against the Modi government, while others have accused her of hypocrisy.

Rashid is not the first person to draw parallels between the Kashmir issue and the Israel-Gaza conflict. In recent years, there have been several comparisons made between the two situations, with some arguing that India is using similar tactics to those employed by Israel in Gaza.

The Kashmir issue is a complex and sensitive one, with a long and troubled history. India and Pakistan have fought three wars over Kashmir, and the region continues to be a flashpoint for violence.

The Indian government has taken a tough stance on Kashmir, imposing curfews and restrictions on movement. The government has also accused Pakistan of supporting terrorism in Kashmir, a charge that Pakistan denies.

The Modi government’s handling of the Kashmir issue has been criticized by many, including Rashid. She has accused the government of human rights abuses and of suppressing dissent.

Rashid’s praise of Modi is likely to be seen as a sign that she is willing to challenge the status quo on Kashmir. Her comments are sure to fuel the debate on the issue, and they will likely be welcomed by those who believe that the Indian government needs to change its approach to Kashmir.

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