Inzamam ul Haq revealed how Harbhajan Singh was close to converting to Islam

Former Pakistan captain Inzamam-ul-Haq has revealed that Harbhajan Singh was close to converting to Islam during their playing days.

Inzamam made the revelation in an interview with a Pakistani TV channel. He said that Harbhajan was very impressed by the teachings of Islam and had considered converting to the religion.

“Harbhajan was very interested in Islam,” Inzamam said. “He used to ask me a lot of questions about the religion. I told him everything I knew and I think he was very impressed.”

Inzamam said that Harbhajan even considered converting to Islam during the 2004 Champions Trophy tournament in England.

“We were playing in the Champions Trophy in England in 2004,” Inzamam said. “Harbhajan came to me and said that he was thinking about converting to Islam. I was very surprised, but I was also very happy.”

Inzamam said that he advised Harbhajan to take his time and think carefully about his decision.

“I told Harbhajan that he should take his time and think carefully about his decision,” Inzamam said. “Converting to Islam is a big decision and it should not be taken lightly.”

Inzamam said that Harbhajan ultimately decided not to convert to Islam, but that he still has a deep respect for the religion.

“Harbhajan decided not to convert to Islam in the end,” Inzamam said. “But he still has a deep respect for the religion. I am glad that I was able to introduce him to Islam.”

Harbhajan has not commented on Inzamam’s revelation yet.

Implications of Inzamam’s revelation

Inzamam’s revelation is a reminder of the close friendship that he shared with Harbhajan during their playing days. The two players were often seen together on and off the field, and they were known to be very supportive of each other.

Inzamam’s revelation is also a reminder of the deep respect that Harbhajan has for Islam. Harbhajan has often spoken about his admiration for the religion, and he has even said that he considers himself to be a “student of Islam.”

Overall, Inzamam’s revelation is a positive one. It shows that there is a lot of respect and understanding between different cultures and religions.

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